The Wind is Howling

Dear Chhoree,

When I was a little boy

I, too, asked the same question to your grandmother

Why the wind was howling

As if the wind had gathered

the group of wolfs from Paaree Paakhaa

And had crossed Dhayaangre Kholaa

Paddy Field

The Baglung Highway

To dance around our house!


Unlike the house, we are living

The house I lived in

Used to invite the wind into the house

Through uncovered windows

And I often complained to your grandfather

For not securing the house


I had complained Kaaski Kot Hill and Maachhaapuchhre

For not stopping the wind


There was a day

Your grandfather had to leave us,

The village,

The city,

The country

To earn and to feed the family!

I wished he was always with us

Like Kaaski Kot Hill and Maachhaapuchhre!

I, too, used to make wishes

That rather sounded silly, unfeasible!

I was still blessed

And was always cocooned in your grandmother's lap,

The safest house on earth!


Dear Chhoree,

This wind is here and will come again

Perhaps, it is encouraging us to be brave

To be strong

To be expressive!


Don't be scared of the wind like I used to

Ha Ha Ha! Yes, my little girl,

Once upon a time, I was a little boy!


-       Nisprabh Saji



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